Refund Callback


Uses callBackUrl to send the refund result to the merchant when the refund processing reaches a final state of success or failure. Merchants promote merchant-side transactions based on the refund result.

Note: If the merchant response is { "transResult": "SUCCESS" } , the callback notification will stop. If not,the callback notification will be performed every 5 minute,After 3 retries, the callback notification will be stopped.

2.Request Info

  • Method: post

2.1 Request Header

Key Value
Content-Type application/json

2.2 Request Data

Name Description Type
appId Unique identifier assigned to a third-party application platform string
payMethod Payment method: 1.NewPay; 4.MasterCard; int
refundOrderAmt Payment amount string
currency Payment currency, LAK/USD string
newpayOrderNo Newpay order number string
newpayRefundOrderNo Newpay refund order number string
orderNo Order number string
refundOrderNo Order number string
transStatus Payment result: 1-success; 0-failure int
transInfo The reason for failure string
timestamp Callback execution time string
sign Data signature string

3. Example Data

3.1 Request (Request Merchant)

    "transInfo":"Transaction Success",

3.2 Response(Merchant's response)

    "transResult": "SUCCESS"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""