Inquiry Refund


Use this API to inquire about the refund status of a previously submitted refund request.

2.Request Info

2.1 Request Header

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
version 1.0

2.2 Request Data

Name Description Type Required
appId Unique identifier assigned to a third-party application platform string true
merchantId Unique identifier assigned to a third-party merchant string true
timestamp Request timestamp timestamp true
sign Data signature string true
refundOrderNo Order refund number string true

2.3 Response Data

Name Description Type
success Success flag: true/false boolean
message Response message string
code Reponse code string
timestamp Response timestamp long
data Result object
> appId Unique identifier assigned to a third-party application platform string
> sign Data signature string
> tranAbbr Transaction Type string
> tranNo Transaction Number string
> tranStatus transaction status: 1-success;0-failure int
> tranInfo transaction information string
> refundOrderAmt Refund amount string
> payMethod Payment method: 1.NewPay; 4.MasterCard; int
> currency Payment currency, LAK/USD string
> orderNo Order number string
> newpayOrderNo Order number in NewPay string
> refundOrderNo Refund order number string
> newpayRefundOrderNo Refund order number in NewPay string

3. Example Data

3.1 Request

    "appId": "3514d69403bc4ce1a8fafb6415a31018",
    "timestamp": {{current_timestamp}},
    "sign": "{{sign}}",
    "refundOrderNo": "ORDERNORFD000000000A104",
    "merchantId": "876266cdc7154dd08a022fd1f2eace55"

3.2 Response

    "success": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "appId": "3514d69403bc4ce1a8fafb6415a31018",
        "sign": "MOGEIGrrLD4BvZTgxETIIm4m3vfHXECIXbB1nPfOCimfNc1c59h2bccHSuBsXprgGmkGoh4AjCkQBtQ9u0Ui0AOfSmtSJnnYshk7beSdmNzl+CAK0RkrrQfQaauoBLxQa7odhMy7WhFQF7XL+4dLih8RK6kpZPPiBwUNyiC+69sc00I+IuEJfcTUydMPjCl1U3Qq1dS9igGOWrwE5McMAFLPpWTi1B5tbv9FC8SQUtNRPv3ckIUrkC0U0uXKspXG2iPIeM49Jck8ZEwql22yzjvR0bMnVL6TBkysooCGLW/ETFT5+EUWrPkp7pz7AnPt2VT2sVWIpllw/H4zLYpLog==",
        "tranAbbr": null,
        "tranNo": "00012022090700000037",
        "refundSuccess": true,
        "refundOrderAmt": "50000",
        "payMethod": 1,
        "currency": "LAK",
        "orderNo": "ORDERNO000000000A104",
        "newpayOrderNo": "202209076000000321",
        "refundOrderNo": "ORDERNORFD000000000A104",
        "newpayRefundOrderNo": "202209078000000702"
    "code": "0",
    "timestamp": "1662528718641"

4. Response Code

Code Description
0 success
E9999 unknow error
B11095 Illegal request
Z00046 whitelist authentication failed
Z00003 appid field wrong
Z00044 merchantId field wrong
Z00007 sign field verification failed
Z00001 appid field illegal
Z00004 timestamp field illegal
Z00005 sign field illegal
Z00021 merchantId field illegal
Z00049 refundOrderNo field illegal
Z00051 order information is not existed
Z01012 appId or merchantId is not valid

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