Inquiry Refund
Use this API to inquire about the refund status of a previously submitted refund request.
2.Request Info
Key |
Value |
Content-Type |
application/json |
version |
1.0 |
2.2 Request Data
Name |
Description |
Type |
Required |
appId |
Unique identifier assigned to a third-party application platform |
string |
true |
merchantId |
Unique identifier assigned to a third-party merchant |
string |
true |
timestamp |
Request timestamp |
timestamp |
true |
sign |
Data signature |
string |
true |
refundOrderNo |
Order refund number |
string |
true |
2.3 Response Data
Name |
Description |
Type |
success |
Success flag: true/false |
boolean |
message |
Response message |
string |
code |
Reponse code |
string |
timestamp |
Response timestamp |
long |
data |
Result |
object |
> appId |
Unique identifier assigned to a third-party application platform |
string |
> sign |
Data signature |
string |
> tranAbbr |
Transaction Type |
string |
> tranNo |
Transaction Number |
string |
> tranStatus |
transaction status: 1-success;0-failure |
int |
> tranInfo |
transaction information |
string |
> refundOrderAmt |
Refund amount |
string |
> payMethod |
Payment method: 1.NewPay; 4.MasterCard; |
int |
> currency |
Payment currency, LAK/USD |
string |
> orderNo |
Order number |
string |
> newpayOrderNo |
Order number in NewPay |
string |
> refundOrderNo |
Refund order number |
string |
> newpayRefundOrderNo |
Refund order number in NewPay |
string |
3. Example Data
3.1 Request
"appId": "3514d69403bc4ce1a8fafb6415a31018",
"timestamp": {{current_timestamp}},
"sign": "{{sign}}",
"refundOrderNo": "ORDERNORFD000000000A104",
"merchantId": "876266cdc7154dd08a022fd1f2eace55"
3.2 Response
"success": true,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"appId": "3514d69403bc4ce1a8fafb6415a31018",
"sign": "MOGEIGrrLD4BvZTgxETIIm4m3vfHXECIXbB1nPfOCimfNc1c59h2bccHSuBsXprgGmkGoh4AjCkQBtQ9u0Ui0AOfSmtSJnnYshk7beSdmNzl+CAK0RkrrQfQaauoBLxQa7odhMy7WhFQF7XL+4dLih8RK6kpZPPiBwUNyiC+69sc00I+IuEJfcTUydMPjCl1U3Qq1dS9igGOWrwE5McMAFLPpWTi1B5tbv9FC8SQUtNRPv3ckIUrkC0U0uXKspXG2iPIeM49Jck8ZEwql22yzjvR0bMnVL6TBkysooCGLW/ETFT5+EUWrPkp7pz7AnPt2VT2sVWIpllw/H4zLYpLog==",
"tranAbbr": null,
"tranNo": "00012022090700000037",
"refundSuccess": true,
"refundOrderAmt": "50000",
"payMethod": 1,
"currency": "LAK",
"orderNo": "ORDERNO000000000A104",
"newpayOrderNo": "202209076000000321",
"refundOrderNo": "ORDERNORFD000000000A104",
"newpayRefundOrderNo": "202209078000000702"
"code": "0",
"timestamp": "1662528718641"
4. Response Code
Code |
Description |
0 |
success |
E9999 |
unknow error |
B11095 |
Illegal request |
Z00046 |
whitelist authentication failed |
Z00003 |
appid field wrong |
Z00044 |
merchantId field wrong |
Z00007 |
sign field verification failed |
Z00001 |
appid field illegal |
Z00004 |
timestamp field illegal |
Z00005 |
sign field illegal |
Z00021 |
merchantId field illegal |
Z00049 |
refundOrderNo field illegal |
Z00051 |
order information is not existed |
Z01012 |
appId or merchantId is not valid |